Today, I’ll explain the final step of the installing kubernetes dashboard. You
can control the pods and nodes using the kubectl in the terminal. However
you must query the name with hash code and retype that name to manipulate pods
or nodes. This is a bit inconvenient with typing fault or tiring from lots of
key typing. Kubernetes dashboard is very helpful interface to control and
monitoring pods. You can see detail settings, status, and event messages.
I’ll explain the next stage “Installing Ingress on the Private Network”. If
you want access the dashboard, you can choose a method from two way, (1) run the
kube-proxy, or (2) connect the dashboard to the ingress load-balancer. For
the first method, you always run the kube-proxy on the terminal, but you can
login from localhost only, or apply complex settings. If you want access the
dashboard from the remote PC, you connect the dashboard to the Ingress-Nginx
Before start build-up the K8s dashboard with Ingress, we need to make the
self-signed certification file to connect the K8s dashboard. Making root
certification is better solution to reduce making and registering each
certification file of the other app example.
Raspberry Pi 4를 사용한 Cluster 상에서 온도 모니터링 방법을 정리했습니다. node_exporter의
textile_collector와 crontab을 활용하는 방법을 참고해서 작성했습니다. 단, crontab 자체의
Resolution 문제로 분단위로 온도정보를 취합하며, 이보다 더 높은 Resolution의 경우 좀더 민첩한 프로그램언어로 작성해서
systemd 서비스로 등록하는 것을 추천합니다. (추후 진행해 볼 예정입니다. :) )
Raspberry Pi 4 기반 HW 구성에 Kubernetes(이하 K8s)를 설치하는 과정을 정리했습니다. Raspberry Pi 4 +
Ubuntu 19.10 환경을 기반으로 설치를 진행했으며, 다양한 방법 중에서 K8s Official Site에서 설명된 설치방법을
통해서 진행한 방법으로 정리되어 있습니다.