I’ll explain the next stage “Installing Ingress on the Private Network”. If you want access the dashboard, you can choose a method from two way, (1) run the kube-proxy, or (2) connect the dashboard to the ingress load-balancer. For the first method, you always run the kube-proxy on the terminal, but you can login from localhost only, or apply complex settings. If you want access the dashboard from the remote PC, you connect the dashboard to the Ingress-Nginx load-balancer.

(Also, you can change the ClusterIP to NodePort directly for the dashboard. In this case, the dahsboard occupy a port on the a server port. To share the 80/443 web port through all web service, using Ingress-Nginx is better solution.)

  1. Creating Self-Signed Certification for Local HTTPS Environment
  2. Installing Ingress-Nginx on the Private Network
  3. Install and Access Kubernetes Dashboard

Install Ingress Controller

To install the Ingress on our Raspberry Pi, download a yaml file with the following command. (The latest version at 2020/01/07 is nginx-0.26.2.)

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/nginx-0.26.2/deploy/static/mandatory.yaml

If you use the default mandatory.yaml file, the k8s downloads and run x86_64 images. So that, you must modify the image’s name from nginx-ingress-controller to nginx-ingress-controller-arm64.

--- mandatory.yaml      2020-01-07 22:02:46.797035276 +0900
+++ 01.mandatory.yaml   2020-01-04 10:00:30.490748187 +0900
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
         kubernetes.io/os: linux
         - name: nginx-ingress-controller
-          image: quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller:0.26.2
+          image: quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller-arm64:0.26.2
             - /nginx-ingress-controller
             - --configmap=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/nginx-configuration

After that you can apply the modified file with kubectl.

kubectl apply -f mandatory.yaml;

Open Service for Ingress-Nginx

After install the ingress-nginx, apply service to access through the L4 or L7 load- balancer. By default, Ingress-Nginx runs with the cloud load balancer in the public cloud service. However, we don’t have that load balancer in the small bare-metal environment. To run the ingress in the bare-metal environment, apply the pure software solution, like MetalLB, or export NodePort through all service node. I’ll describe the details about the ingress near future.

Anyway, I tried applying MetalLB in my home network. MetalLB also had been installed successfully, but worked fine only 10 minutes. If some WIFI device connected with my home network switch, the links, between the metallb controller and home devices, has been reset and I couldn’t connect through the ingress-nginx. Finally, remove the metallb and simply export all NodePorts currently.

To open the ingress load balancer service, you can download the service YAML file from the following link. But, the linked file will not working with our purpose, so we need to change the contents by the load-balancing environment.


Using NodePort

To open service with NodePort, make a YAML file and store following contents. From default service YAML file, just add the externalIPs array to open 80/443 ports for the ingress-nginx.

--- service-nodeport.yaml       2020-01-07 22:34:38.827830196 +0900
+++ 02.service-nodeport.yaml    2020-01-04 14:13:04.358401616 +0900
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
     app.kubernetes.io/part-of: ingress-nginx
   type: NodePort
+  externalIPs:
+    -
+    -
+    -
     - name: http
       port: 80

After saving the changes, apply the service YAML file.

kubectl apply -f service-nodeport.yaml;

Using MetalLB

Install MetalLB

Same with other posts about the Raspberry Pi, download the manifests file and add the repository URL of the all of image keys.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/metallb/v0.8.3/manifests/metallb.yaml;
--- metallb.yaml     2020-01-04 19:07:04.536753309 +0900
+++ 01.metallb.yaml  2020-01-04 19:05:09.886822710 +0900
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
               fieldPath: status.hostIP
-        image: metallb/speaker:v0.8.2
+        image: docker.io/metallb/speaker:v0.8.2
         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
         name: speaker
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
       - args:
         - --port=7472
         - --config=config
-        image: metallb/controller:v0.8.2
+        image: docker.io/metallb/controller:v0.8.2
         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
         name: controller

And apply the changed YAML file to install the metallb.

kubectl apply -f metallb.yaml;

Apply MetallLB config map

To build the load-balancer simply, make the config map YAML file and save the following contents. The layer2 protocol is the simple method to build the load- balancer. Also, you can set the address range using CIDR or specific address range with -.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  namespace: metallb-system
  name: config
  config: |
    - name: metallb-ip-space
      protocol: layer2

After save the config map and apply that.

kubectl apply -f metallb-configmap.yaml;

If you want setup more customized, please read the official documents, “Bare-metal considerations”.

Requesting Specific IP

Different from NodeExport, just change the type from NodePort to LoadBalancer. Don’t add externalIP field. If the metallb works fine, metallb will assign the new IP to the ingress-nginx service.

--- service-nodeport.yaml       2020-01-07 22:34:38.827830196 +0900
+++ 02.service-metallb.yaml     2020-01-04 20:27:06.034182181 +0900
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     app.kubernetes.io/name: ingress-nginx
     app.kubernetes.io/part-of: ingress-nginx
-  type: NodePort
+  type: LoadBalancer
     - name: http
       port: 80

Add cert file

If you want access the k8s web app through the ingress with HTTPS, you must register the default certification file to the k8s. I already explain making the certification file at the previous post. To use the key and cert file, register the secret file with following command. The cert and key file will be stored at the default namespace.

# Register the key and cert file
kubectl create secret tls {secret-name} --key {cert file}.key --cert {cert file}.crt;

# Query the stored secret information.
kubectl describe secret {secret-name};


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