Prometheus 설정 후 서버 추가/변경 시 발생하는 불필요한 데이터들을 삭제하는 방법을 정리합니다. Prometheus는 외부에서 별도로 접근할 수 있는 DB 인터페이스를 제공하지 않기 때문에 Prometheus Server의 WEB API를 통해서 관련 처리를 진행해야 합니다.

Enable admin

To enable admin api, pass the --web.enable-admin-api argument to Prometheus service. Prometheus doesn’t support admin api as default option.


Before update service script file, please read the previous article Prometheus on CentOS 8.

To enable admin api, modify service script file at /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service. Open and add --web.enable-admin-api argument at the end of ExecStart value.

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/prometheus \
    --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
    --storage.tsdb.path=/var/lib/prometheus/ \
    --web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles \
    --web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries \
    --web.listen-address= \

After save the service script file, you can run following commands to apply the changes.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload;
sudo systemctl restart prometheus;


Ubuntu default packages support the default running config file on /etc/default/prometheus. Open that file and append or create ARG variable with --web.enable-admin-api.


Also same with CentOS, run following command to apply the changes.

sudo systemctl restart prometheus;

Delete unwanted datas

To run the admin-api, you should call http address using curl. So, if curl isn’t installed in your system, you must install that.

# Ubuntu
sudo apt install -y curl;

# Old CentOS, Fedora or RedHat
sudo yum install -y curl;

# Latest CentOS, Fedora or RedHat
sudo dnf install -y curl;

Delete unwanted job

curl -X POST -g 'http://<prometheus server>:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]={job="<job name>"}'

Delete unwanded instance

curl -X POST -g 'http://<prometheus server>:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]={instance="<instance target>"}'
