Ubuntu 환경에서 Prometheus 설치하는 방법을 정리하였습니다. Ubuntu 환경에서는 Prometheus의 DEB 패키지가 존재하기 때문에 apt install을 통해 설치가 가능합니다. 또한 node_exporter 만 필요한 경우 이전 등록했던 Prometheus on CentOS 8을 참고하시면 됩니다.


Before install Prometheus, run sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y. Ubuntu supports the Prometheus DEB packages, don’t need to change other options.

Install Prometheus

Make user account for prometheus and install packages using following commands.

sudo useradd --no-create-home --shell /usr/sbin/nologin prometheus;

sudo apt install -y prometheus prometheus-node-exporter;

# Start and register services
sudo systemctl start prometheus prometheus-node-exporter;
sudo systemctl enable prometheus prometheus-node-exporter;

If you need node_exporter only, run following command.

sudo apt install -y prometheus-node-exporter;

# Start and register node_exporter service
sudo systemctl start prometheus-node-exporter;
sudo systemctl enable prometheus-node-exporter;

Register node_exporter node

If you installed node_exporter only on remote server, register node_exporter server on the main prometheus server.

  - job_name: 'node'
  # If prometheus-node-exporter is installed, grab stats about the local
  # machine by default.
    - targets: ['localhost:9100', '<other node_exporter node>:9100']

After register other node_exporter, restart prometheus service on the main prometheus server.

sudo systemctl restart prometheus;

Other Options

For the ubuntu system, we can add some prometheus options using the default config file /etc/default/prometheus. So, if you want to run prometheus with some options, add command line arguments on ARGS variable in that config file.

Extend Retention Time

If you run prometheus with default options over 3 weeks, you cannot query all metrics over 15 days. Prometheus will remove old data over the value of --storage.tsdb.retention or --storage.tsdb.retention.time. The default that value is 15d and it means remove old data over 15days.

But if you want query over 15d using prometheus, please add retention time options. I has set the retention time to 3 years.



Official Document

